Just more ramblings of another IT Guy

Category Archives: Fortigate

Convert Cisco Juniper and Checkpoint configs to Fortifagate compatible

The FortiConverter converts configuration files from Juniper, Checkpoint and Cisco The conversion process will not convert all settings but will do enough to take the major work out of moving to a Fortigate It can be found here

Adding Fortigate to Fortimanager

When attempting to add a Fortigate to a FortiManager you may encounter the following error when trying to import the device. “fortimanager failed to discover device with IP address”   If this is the case check the time settings on … Continue reading

Microsoft Update breaks Fortigate SSL VPN portal

It seems that a a recent update provided by Microsoft to fix vulnerabilities in  has broken fuctionality of the SSL VPN on Fortigate devices. If you see the following error messages when browsing to the login page you may be … Continue reading

Fortigate – “The string contains XSS vulnerability characters.”

When creating a new SSL VPN portal (on Forti OS version 4 MR 2 Patch 9  at least) you may encounter the following message when attempting to save the Portal “The string contains XSS vulnerability characters.”   If this is … Continue reading

Fortigate ping response on WAN interfaces

Recently I encountered a issue where a Fortigate when pinged from an external source  was not responding to pings on the WAN interfaces . Administrative access was set to allow pings on both interfaces.   Solution: When all the admin … Continue reading

Fortigate SSL VPN login issues after upgrade to Version4 MR3 Patch2

If you suddenly find that you cannot log in remotely using the SSL VPN authenticating via radius and  are encountering the following   sslvpn-user  pri=alert action=ssl-login-fail reason=”no_matching_policy” msg=”SSL user failed to logged in”   Add individual users to  the User … Continue reading

Fortigate dubug SSL VPN

#dia debug en #dia debug reset #dia debug application sslvpn -1

Interface Statistics

diag hardware deviceinfo nic “interface name”

Reset Fortigate Admin Password

Connect a console cable then reboot the unit. As soon as th login promt appears use the username “maintainer” and bcpbFGTxxxxxxxxxxxxx as the password where the “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” is the case sensitive serial number of the unit

Basic Fortigate troubleshooting commands
