Wan Opt and Web Cache has gone CLI only for certain Fortigate models (See below) since Version 4 Mr3 Patch 4.
The removal from the Web GUI is apparently for performance reasons.
Wan Opt and Web Cache has gone CLI only for certain Fortigate models (See below) since Version 4 Mr3 Patch 4.
The removal from the Web GUI is apparently for performance reasons.
I noticed this – it was really unexpected. What’s strange, is you can still go to the URLs if you know them… the pages actually didn’t get stripped out, just the links to them. Strange.
Thank you for information. I can find corresponding note in Release Notes for 4.0MR3 patch 4 only. Weird.
Thanks for the tip Ryan.
You’ll have to add the following in the URL of your browser :
Rule : /wanopt/rule/list
Peer : /wanopt/peer/list
Authentication Group : /wanopt/peer/authgrp
Cache Settings : /wanopt/config/settings
Cache Exempt list : /wanopt/cache/exempt
Wan Opt. Monitor : /wanopt/monitor
Cache Monitor : /module_html/monitor.html?name=cache
Peer Monitor : /module_html/monitor.html?name=peer
Example: https://myfortinetIP/wanopt/monitor